Guided Two-Countries Hiking Tour to the Monte Zermula

Level of difficulty: Medium
  • 6.5 km
  • 4 h
  • 1558 vm
    Lowest elevation
  • 2111 vm
    Highest elevation
  • 692 vm
  • 692 vm

Guided Two-Countries Hiking Tour to the Monte Zermula

The Monte Zermúla is a long-stretched limestone reef which runs parallel to the Carnic main crest. Lush flowery meadows with Edelweiss & co., steep military tracks, caverns and wayside shrines are characteristic for Paularo’s impressive local mountain.
Rucksacks should be packed individually, but absolutely necessary are:

- sturdy hiking or mountain boots, packed lunch/snacks, beverages, rainwear, sun screen, hiking stick, change of clothes.


Drive by car in direction Pontebba and continue then to the Cason di Lanza (Lanzenalm) (carpool)


Starting at the Lanzenpass, we leave on a well-used path and cross a clear forest and a beautiful, flat alpine pasture on our way up to the Forca di Lanza (1.831 m). Here we will continue on a former military track. This track leads, after a short ascent, in westerly direction very close to the southern side of the Monte Zermula and beneath the rocks of the east summit.

The last section of the tour leads us up to a wayside shrine, which was erected by the 35th Company of the Alpini Battalion "Susa" in 1916. A red arrow on the wayside shrine points to the steep ascent in direction summit on the right-hand side. It takes about 15 minutes from the shrine to the summit.

A very impressive view in all directions will be the reward for our efforts.

Location & Arrival

The Nassfeld-Pressegger See holiday destination is located in Carinthia / Austria directly on the border with Italy.

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Landschaft NLW-16