Julius Kugy three-country trail in 30 stages - E 30

Level of difficulty: Difficult
  • 37 km
  • 9.5 h
  • 496 vm
    Lowest elevation
  • 2136 vm
    Highest elevation
  • 1060 vm
  • 1670 vm

Julius Kugy three-country trail in 30 stages - E 30

We leave the Gailtal Alps and the Villacher Alpe, head down to the Villacher Feld, take the train and hike from the Faak-Veldener-Senke up to the Bertahütte.

Visit to the alpine garden on the Villacher Alpe, the"Culture-Nature-Trail" west of the Kärnten Therme, the Kärnten Therme and Finkenstein Castle

sturdy shoes + all-weather clothing + drink + food

Stage tour



Dobratsch Gipfelhaus-Elfer-/Zwölfer-/Zehnernock-nördl. Zehnerhütte-Aichingerhütte-Alpengarten/229/291-südl. Kaserin Hütte/229/292-Hundsmarhof-Völkendorfer Alm-nördl. Tscheltschnigkogel-Salzsteigweg/09-Warmbad Villach/Infotafel/229/292/22-Villach Warmbad/Hst. (ALTERNATIVE, hourly)-Faak am See/Bf-Faaker-See-Straße-Weinbergweg-Latschach-Untergreuth-Martinihof/681-Kärntner Grenzweg/Südalpenweg-Kofler-westl. Illitsch-Rauth/603-westl. Türkenkopf and Ferlacher Spitze-Bertahütte/603/680


1. we walk along the main farm track (HWW) past the transmitter, ignoring a trail that branches off to the right (no. 294) and after approx. 250 m to the left (no. 295) - the Gailberger Höhenweg (GHW 229) and trail no. 291 lead us down between the Elfer- and Zwölfernock. At the height of the Zehnernock, we continue half-left at a fork and meet a hiking trail coming from the right, which we follow with trail no. 291 to the left to the Aichingerhütte (1st break, 4 km, 1690 m).

ALTERNATIVE 1: At the crossroads, follow path A to the Roßtrattenstüberl and take in the interesting geological information stands. Hike over a small hill (information and relaxation area on the theme of sun and fire) in a northerly direction over the alpine pasture to the Aichingerhütte.

2. near the Villach alpine road we turn right and shortly afterwards (past a hut) take paths no. 229 and 292 to the right, S, to reach the alpine garden. After approx. 2 km we leave the path numbers and take a path coming from the left to the right, SE, cross the PP and the Villach Alpine Road and visit the Alpine Garden (2nd break, 6.8 km, 1490 m).

3. back to the N, at the end of the PP (with fence crossing) we head NE - after approx. 350 m we reach paths 229 and 292 again and turn right, E. After approx. 700 m we meet a HWW coming from the right, which leads us to the NE to a clearing and the "Kaserin" crossroads - here path no. 292 leaves us, we walk down in a SE direction and after approx. 1.7 km we come to a HWW - we follow this with paths no. 229 and 22 to the right, E, and reach the Gh. Hundsmarhof (3rd break, 10.4 km, 1000 m).

4. we continue eastwards - just after the Bavarian fountain we leave trail no. 22 - and soon afterwards we reach the Völkendorfer Alm (946 m). The good signposting along the GHW 229 brings us after approx. 1.9 km to the Villacher Alpenstraße and after approx. 1.3 km north of the Tscheltschnigkogel to a meadow with a view of the Genottenhöhe - immediately afterwards we meet the Salzsteigweg (SSW) 09, which accompanies us briefly in the direction of Wambad Villach. We leave it after approx. 150 m and walk down to the left to the Kärnten Therme and the stop (4th break, 17 km, 497 m).

ALTERNATIVE 2: Take the train to Faak am See/Bf (hourly) [distance: approx. 10 km, approx. 2.5 hours time saving) or take a taxi to the Martinihof (distance: approx. 14 km and approx. 3.5 hours time saving).

5. walk through the park back to SSW 09 and follow it just west of it for approx. 300 m - then turn half-left along the Napoleonwiese and over the Warmbachweg in a left turn to the bridge. We walk briefly to the N and then head at an acute angle to the S/SE along paths no. 20B and 21 towards two large bridges (B 83 and A2).

6. we walk past the Gesundparcour to the west and meet Gödersdorfer Straße under the motorway bridge. We cross the Gail on the pavement and walk immediately after the bridge to the left, NE, and then to the right, E - we are on Warmbader Straße or path no. 11 and in the village of Müllnern. After approx. 400 m we walk past the former art mill and after another 400 m we take our 5th break at the pasta factory/market café , 22.3 km, 510 m.

7. after approx. 600 m the Warmbader Weg merges into the St. Stefaner Weg - before that we ignore a hiking trail on the right. In the district of St. Stefan in the municipality of Finkenstein, we turn left at the railway station, N, up to the Kirchenwirt, and then continue on trail no. 11 to the east to the district of Höfling - immediately afterwards we take trail no. 1 through a wooded area and reach the lakeside road in Faak am See (6th break, 26.8 km, 555 m).

8. we continue SE, leave the Seeufer LStr. and turn half-left into Bahnhofsweg and reach the Faak am See station - approx. 200 m after the subway we leave Faaker Seestraße and turn left onto the cycle path. After approx. 200 m we reach the Weinbergweg, which we follow to the right, SE - we walk towards the village of Latschach and cross the Rosentalstraße B 85.

9. after approx. 250 m we leave the B 85 and walk southwest of the church of St. Ulrich along the field path and path no. 681 - a beautiful natural path leads uphill to Untergreuth. We reach the tarmac road after approx. 900 m and after approx. 1 km we bypass the "Hl.-Drei-König" branch church in a right-hand bend - after approx. 500 m we meet the Südalpenweg 03 and take our 7th break at the Martinihof , 31.7 km, 783 m.

10. we walk along a HWW in an easterly direction for only approx. 260 m and then - accompanied by trail no. 603 and the Kärntner Grenzweg (KGW) - leave this trail to the half-right, SE. Immediately afterwards we meet the HWW again, which we follow only briefly to the east, north of the Kofler estate - the two long-distance hiking trails show us the way to the south to the Worounitzabach stream and the "purest spring water" (8th break, 33.1 km, 890 m).

11. we cross the Worounitzabach and immediately afterwards reach the Illitsch Rauth - here we meet the HWW coming from the left and leading to the Bertahütte, but also on path no. 680. with this triple path marking we follow the uphill HWW to leave it after approx. 1.5 km at the Arneitz-Rauth to the east - here we take the 9th break, 35 km, 1150 m.

12. we reach the 10th break after approx. 800 m at SH 1350 m via natural paths and tracks with good markings and after approx. 600 m the 30th stage destination of the Julius-Kugy-Dreiländerweg, the Bertahütte (36.1 km, 1567 m).

Location & Arrival

The Nassfeld-Pressegger See holiday destination is located in Carinthia / Austria directly on the border with Italy.

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Landschaft NLW-16