Rundwanderweg zu den Wetzmanner Bauern

Level of difficulty: Easy
  • 13.4 km
  • 4 h
  • 701 vm
    Lowest elevation
  • 956 vm
    Highest elevation
  • 557 vm
  • 303 vm

Rundwanderweg zu den Wetzmanner Bauern

As a starting point you can choose the Mauthner cemetery or the Gail bridge. Via the Gaildamm you will reach the "Wetzmanner Bauern". Afterwards you go on to the "Huber Bauer" (beautiful high plateau). You march further west to a ditch, the descent is along a forest path to Sittmooser Weg. Here you have the choice of walking on the left to Nischlwitz (+ 1 1/2 hours) or again along the Sittmooser Fahrweg back to the Gailbrücke.

Location & Arrival

The Nassfeld-Pressegger See holiday destination is located in Carinthia / Austria directly on the border with Italy.

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Landschaft NLW-16